11 February 2015

Spotlight on :: Timoth? Nussbaumer

Spotlight on :: Timoth? Nussbaumer

We love photoshoots with the little ones. And the best way to photograph them (in our humble opinion) is when they're comfortable and happy!! So it's not super flat and flash-in-face. One of the reasons why we had such a dynamic shoot is all thanks to Timothe!

Even though he was one of the younger models, Tim was very comfortable in front of the camera and full of adorable little expressions!!


See what we mean!?

His favorite word is "mum mum" (for food) and no prize for guessing his favorite activity... eating! We caught this little guy sneaking snacks into the shoot a few times! So adorable! This little guy belongs on the beach! He loves sandplay and can sit on the sand quietly digging for a long time!!


Caught in the act, Tim!

Timothe had fun on the set whenever there were other little pals in the shot (see above!)!! He loves imitating sounds of vehicles and fighting over toys with his older sister, Emma! How do you not give in to those puppy dog eyes!!

Thank you for being part of our team, Timothe! Lots of kisses and animal biscuits for you!
